This may be the hottest day ever. Those of you with me in NY will of course not be surprised that I am complaining. But I have never been quite this hot in my life. We walked less than ten blocks from the subway to a coffee shop where I am trying to write this. It is about 5 in the afternoon and it is 104 degrees outside—how is that even possible. The heat has given me a headache and from experience I know it will take an hour of sitting in the anemic air conditioning this cafĂ© is offering before I feel better. But I am not just writing this to complain. (However I must say that it is sad to have the one week off from interpreting that I get this summer during the middle of a heatwave. I wish the courts were open so that I could be sitting in air conditioning. Never has our decision to live without air conditioning felt so foolish as today.)
I write this whiny preface to exclaim that I have seen two yes that is 2 people running. My computer informs me that it really is 104 outside. I mean perhaps I am just jealous because usually any slight discomfort will serve as an excuse to stop exercising . But really what can they be thinking. Just don't run today. It has to be the hottest day in at least a decade. Where could they be from that they think this is normal? Perhaps somewhere in Arizona, or southern Sudan?
Well if they can do it, I suppose I should just be impressed.