Merry Christmas
I keep thinking it would be nice to celebrate the solstice. I, like most people, do feel the need for some sort of celebration. But not being religious or coming from a religious family Christmas Hannukah et al seem, well, silly. Don't misunderstand, I love latkes ( I made some lovely ones with sour cream salmon and fennel pollen to take over for Christmas dinner some friends invited us to. It should work perfectly since 1. fired potato is always yummy and smoked salmon is delicious. and 2. we were invited over for Christmas dinner by some Indians, who I am fairly certain are not Christian or committed to a traditional dinner. ) I love Christmas trees, I love eggnog and its Colombian cousin Sabajon, and who doesn't like Christmas gift grab? Only the person who doesn't score the Star Wars lunchbox-that's who.
But I find myself wanting to celebrate something that has somekind of meaning. This is difficult since I am an atheist. So how about Solstice; this is something concrete; it actually happens and we can all be relieved that the days are going to get longer. The thing is its just so sappy most of the time. I can't deal with spirits of the east etc.... I don't know if I condone that kind of descent into hippydome Nonetheless I am thinking about it so if you're in NY don't be surprised if I invite you over for a Spring Equinox party....
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