Donate to Send Disaster Kits to Haiti
Enough said. So many of us in NY know people in Haiti or at the very lest people from Haiti but even if you don't you have to acknowledge that this is one tragically unlucky country. Occupied by Spain, the US and France, overrun by dictators and death squads that are of course supported by the US , suffering disproportionately from AIDS and yet largely overlooked when it comes to any kind of significant international aid, Haiti has suffered beyond belief. It starts with the French-who may compete only with the Belgians for absolutely the last people you want colonizing your country (and let's face it that is a tough competition to win) and continues with an earthquake that has caused the death of maybe 200.000 people.
Haiti is consistantly ignored Latin American countries even though this tiny country was one of the first nations to send Simon Bolivar help in fighting the Spanish. In the US, Haitians have a terrible time immigrating and legalizing their status. Even though their situation and history is not too different from EL Salvador's for example they haven't qualified for Temporary Protective Status.
The Earthquake changes this a bit and it looks as if the US may start granting some kind of TPS based on the disaster. That should help. But a more immediate thing you can do is donate to help send disaster kits to Haiti. Each kit has a weather resistant 10 person tent, a cooking stove, crayons for children, and basic tools.
Because it sucks when you don't even have a tent to live in.
If this isn't your thing consider giving money to the Red Cross or Medecins sans frontieres
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